Becoming a qualified Mountain Leader is one of the greatest achievements of my life and I can still remember how amazing it felt when I passed my assessment.
After a couple of years of training and hard work, I was ready to start work as a Mountain Leader. It has brought me to some beautiful places, introduced me to some great people and given me memories Ill never forget.
If you’re considering it as your next training course or career, then don’t delay and book your training, I promise you its one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.
The Mountain Leader (ML) Award is for those who wish to lead others in the mountains and hills of Ireland and the UK. It is designed to promote the safe enjoyment of the mountains and provides instruction in the skills required for those who wish to lead groups.
Rock climbing and leading groups in winter (Snow/Ice) conditions are not covered by the ML.
I provide the ML Training course on behalf of the Mountain Training Board Ireland and it is run in accordance with their syllabus and guidelines.
To register you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a current member of one of the three Mountaineering Councils: Mountaineering Ireland, the British Mountaineering Council or Mountaineering Scotland.
- Have passed the Mountain Skills Assessment
The course runs over 5 days but can be split into two chunks and completed over a number of weeks.
- ML1: 2 days, including at least one evening of night navigation
- ML2: 3 days, including an overnight wild camp
The course costs €500 per person.
(ML1 €225) (ML2 €275)
Upcoming dates:
ML1 – 12/13 October 2024 – Wicklow (spaces)
ML2 – 15/16/17 November – Kerry (spaces)
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspect of this post or other skills or awards.