Multi Pitch Award Training

Multi Pitch Award Training

If you are already a qualified Rock Climbing Instructor (RCI) and are interested in leading clients on Multi Pitch routes, within a clearly defined remit, then the Multi Pitch Award (MPA) Training might be suitable for you.

I provide the MPA course on behalf of the Mountain Training Board Ireland and it is run in accordance with their syllabus and guidelines.

What do I have to do to register?

Among other things, those wishing to register to take the Multipitch Award Training should:

• Have you a minimum of 1 year’s rock climbing experience post RCI/SPA?

• Are you an active climber • Have you led at least 15 multi pitch routes at a minimum severe grade and with logged evidence of climbing harder routes where the protection is leader placed?

• Have you been involved as an instructor on a minimum of 10 climbing sessions post RCI/SPA


What does the Multipitch Award Training Look like?

MPA training courses are held over a minimum of 2 days (20 hours) and include evening sessions.
Courses can comprise of a mixture of indoor lectures/discussions and outdoor practical sessions.

Topics covered on the MPA training syllabus will include:


Creating multi-pitch belays,

Effective stance management,

Emergency procedures,

The multi-pitch environment among others.

The ratio for MPA training is a maximum of one instructor to 2 candidates

A link to the full syllabus can be found here: Multipitch Award


Ratio: Min: 2:1

(Larger groups can be catered for)

Cost: €250 euro per person


The Mulitpitch Award Training Course can run at many different venues around Ireland: Dalkey, Wicklow, Kerry, The Mournes, The Burren.

Upcoming Dates:

15th/16th May – Wicklow – (2 spaces)

To make a booking, enquiry or to discuss the award further please contact me to discuss on


technical mountaineering
technical mountaineering